Readings from the Book of Humankind: Data and Environment

  • Klinger, S. (Contributor)
  • Marlis Gross-Söchstl (Contributor)

Activity: Talk or presentationScience to science


This contribution is linked to PIConf 2020 "Book of Humankind" presentation; whereas the term "Book of Humankind" stands for the mass of unstructured data that is unconciously produced by modern lifestyle. This data could help us to understand network complexity and derive alternative courses of action.
The base line will show possibilities of searching for structure in ‘messy’ (i.e. not organized and cleaned) data. Cukier and Mayer-Schoenberger (2013) described practical cases in business and public administration where big data was used to streamline processes and discover correlations that could not be fully explained using causal connextions. Their reports boil down to a baseline where the search for correlations could put humans in a situation, where they solved their problems in a much better way – compared to the search for causal connections.
This years contribution is focusing on publicly available data about the environment and is going to draw instructive pictures about correlations found in this data. In the debate on climate change for example we focus on the growth curves of temperature and carbon dioxide that show exponential growth. When modeling further variables we will see that a lot of other elements that reflect the spreading of modern life show exponential growth curves as well. Furthermore we are going to present correlations representing raw material extraction, production and logistic processes worldwide (ressources, consumption, waste) and try to derive pictures for our "Book of Humankind" from that.
Period29 Oct 202130 Oct 2021
Event titlePiConf 2021
Event typeUnknown
Degree of RecognitionInternational

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (ÖFOS)

  • 505034 Banking and capital market law
  • 505044 Corporate law
  • 502026 Human resource management
  • 502044 Business management
  • 502042 Environmental economics
  • 603113 Philosophy