Refugees` career capital welcome?A qualitative study among Afghanand Syrian refugees in Austria

Activity: Talk or presentationScience to professionals/public


Since January 2014, Austria has granted the permission to work to over 30,000 Syrian and Afghan refugees. Based on Bourdieu’s theory of practice and the understanding that while agents compete for positions within social fields, they accumulate, convert and invest economic, social and cultural capital (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992), this study uses 25 semi-structured interviews with Syrian and Afghan refugees engaged in active job search to explore how refugees in Austria (seek to) transfer, renegotiate and enhance the value of their career capital and accumulate further capital that is considered as valuable in their host country. Practical implications for organizations and policy makers supporting refugees’ labor market integration are discussed.
Period27 Mar 2017
Event titlereThink refugees
Event typeUnknown

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (ÖFOS)

  • 501003 Occupational psychology