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Vortrag: „Aktuelles aus dem Steuerrecht für Vereine und NGOs (Update 2021/2022).“ (Innsbruck)
Marlon Possard (Other)
2021Activity: Other scientific work
Facilitator in OMT Junior Faculty Consortium
Delmestri, G. (Other)
2021Activity: Other scientific work
Gutachter und Mitglied des Promotionskomitees: Raisa Sherif
Sausgruber, R. (Other)
2021Activity: Other scientific work
Member of PhD Committee, Matthew Shaikh, Institute für Soziologie und empirische Sozialforschung
Essletzbichler, J. (Other)
2021 → …Activity: Other scientific work
Presseaussendung: Kindergarten, Pflege, Reinigung: Schlechte Bezahlung schadet Selbstwert
Altreiter, C. (Other)
2021Activity: Other scientific work
Een betrokken stad voor alle Rotterdammers? Een onderzoek naar de beleving en effectiviteit van het Rotterdamse participatie instrumentarium
Voorberg, W. (Participant), van Meerkerk, I. (Participant), Cornips, L. (Participant) & Kramer, R. (Participant)
1 Dec 2020Activity: Other scientific work
Member group The Protection of Tax Debtors in Tax Collection within the European Union. The group is chaired by Luk Vandenberghe, University of Antwerp
Pistone, P. (Other)
2020 → …Activity: Other scientific work
Facilitator in PDW 01: Taking Sides: Activism, Knowledge Production and Education in the Climate Crisis
Delmestri, G. (Other)
2020Activity: Other scientific work
Coordinator The Europeanization of Italian Tax Law. The group was created under the auspices of the AIPSDT.
Pistone, P. (Other)
2020 → …Activity: Other scientific work
Aufnahmeverfahren Post-Doc Position am Institute for Markets and Strategy - Auswahl, Interviews, Ausschreibungsbericht, etc.
Zednik, A. (Other)
2020Activity: Other scientific work
Erlesenes Erforschen: Umkämpfte Solidaritäten. Podiumsdiskussion
Altreiter, C. (Other)
2020Activity: Other scientific work
Pressegespräch "Spaltungslinien in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft
Altreiter, C. (Other)
2020Activity: Other scientific work
Vortrag: „Aktuelles aus dem Steuerrecht für Vereine und NGOs (Update 2020/2021).“ (Innsbruck)
Marlon Possard (Other)
2020Activity: Other scientific work
Aufnahmeverfahren Pre-Doc Position am Institute for Markets and Strategy - Auswahl, Interviews, Ausschreibungsbericht, etc.
Zednik, A. (Other)
2020Activity: Other scientific work
Panelist of WU Alumni Event Session on “Organizational Agility”
Klarner, P. (Other)
2020Activity: Other scientific work
Socioeconomic Research Seminar "The Great Socio-Ecological Transformation from Below? From Ascriptions to the Self-Conceptions of Sharing, Repairing, Food, and Housing Initiatives" Vortragende: Margaret Haderer, Karoline Kalke und Michael Deflorian.
Kalke, K. (Other)
2020Activity: Other scientific work
FWF-Research Seminar "Plattformurbanismus in Europa. Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung?"; Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Sybille Bauriedl; Diskussion mit Felix Butzlaff, Leonie Bleiker und Karoline Kalke
Kalke, K. (Other)
2020Activity: Other scientific work
Groupe de travail sur la consultation de la Commission Européenne sur le règlement d’exemption touchant les accords de recherche et de développement (EC 1217/2010) celui concernant les accords de spécialisation (EC 1218/2010) et les lignes directrices sur les accords de coopération horizontale
Petrov, P. (Participant)
Oct 2019 → Feb 2020Activity: Other scientific work
Lectures at the University of Leiden (Netherlands) on “Double Taxation Relief” and “Non-discrimination” during the Summer Course in International Taxation
Alexander Rust (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work
Seminar at the Malta Institute of Taxation on “CFC-Legislation”, Malta
Alexander Rust (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work
ICIS 2019 - Associate Editor (Track on "Sustainability and Societal Impact of IS")
Winkler, T. (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work
"Wie steht es um die Solidarität?" - Zu Gast in der Ö1 Sendung "Punkt 1" mit Marlene Nowotny
Altreiter, C. (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the LL.M. Program International Taxation at WU Vienna on “Article 24 OECD MC: Non-Discrimination
Alexander Rust (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work
Invited talk, CitySPIN project - Cyber-physical social systems in the city of Vienna
Sabou, R. M. (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work
Mitglied, Dissertationskomittee, Pirmin Schwarenthorner
Essletzbichler, J. (Other)
2019 → …Activity: Other scientific work
Aufnahmeverfahren Post-Doc Position am Institute for Markets and Strategy - Auswahl, Interviews, Ausschreibungsbericht, etc.
Zednik, A. (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Luxembourg on “CFC-Legislation and Art.7 and 8 ATAD”, Luxembourg
Alexander Rust (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work
Adjunct Professor Georgetown University, 1 Credit Course on “European Tax Law”, USA
Alexander Rust (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work
Mitglied, Dissertationskomittee, Florentin Glötzl
Essletzbichler, J. (Other)
2019 → …Activity: Other scientific work
Diskussion auf 5th Berlin-Vallendar Conference on Tax Research im deutschen Bundesfinanzministerium
Sailer, M. (Other)
2019Activity: Other scientific work