Activities per year
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Lecture at the the E&Y Tax Club on “The Future of International Tax Planning
Alexander Rust (Other)
2013Activity: Other scientific work
Lectures at the University of Leiden on CFC regimes and Non Discrimination in International Tax Law
Alexander Rust (Other)
2013Activity: Other scientific work
Wissenschaftlicher Leiter und Work Package-Koordinator "Dissemination, knowledge transfer, and external research funding" (TALENT WP 6)
Keinz, P. (Other)
2013 → 2015Activity: Other scientific work
Non academic invited lecture for Henkel, November 12th, 2013
Dikova, D. (Other)
2013Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Luxembourg on Pensions in International Tax Law
Alexander Rust (Other)
2013Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the Institute of Luxembourg Administrators on Tax Law for Directors
Alexander Rust (Other)
2013Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Münster on Overview of Special Tax Regimes during the Summer Course in International Taxation
Alexander Rust (Other)
2013Activity: Other scientific work
Lectures at the University of Leiden on Double Taxation Relief and Non-discrimination during the Summer Course in International Taxation
Alexander Rust (Other)
2013Activity: Other scientific work
Projektleitung des Forschungsprojekts "How Can Top Management Teams Cope with the Change-Stability Paradox?", finanziert von der Excellenzinitiative des Bundes und der Länder / DFG
Klarner, P. (Other)
2013 → 2014Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Münster on Overview of Special Tax Regimes during the Summer Course in International Taxation
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
FIW Vorlesung (BMWFJ) "Die Auswirkungen des Euro auf den Außenhandel der EU und Österreichs"
Badinger, H. (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Organizer of a Topic Contributed Paper Session on Applied Bayesian Econometrics
Frühwirth-Schnatter, S. (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Named the most influential international tax person of the year by Tax Notes
Owens, J. (Participant)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the 29th congress on International Taxation in Hamburg on Double Non-Taxation
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lectures at the Tax Department of ATOZ in Luxembourg on Non-discrimination in Tax Law and Beneficial Ownership Provisions
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the Institute of Luxembourg Administrators on Tax Law for Directors
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the Tax Department of Arcelor/Mittal in Luxembourg on Non-discrimination in Tax Law
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the seminar of the Deutsche Steuerjuristische Gesellschaft at the University of Linz on Principles of Equality and Non-discrimination
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lectures at the University of Leiden on Double Taxation Relief and Non-discrimination during the Summer Course in International Taxation
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lectures at the Tax Department of ATOZ in Luxembourg on Interpretation of Tax Treaties and Latest Developments in EU Tax Law
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Luxembourg on Les accords Rubik
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Gastvorlesung: Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing, China
Lang, M. (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Erstellung von Unterlagen (u.a. Foliensatz) für das Modul "Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens" (Bachelorstudium an der WU)
Jost, G. (Other)
2012 → …Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Luxembourg on The Financial Transaction Tax
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Vienna (WU) on the Taxation of Foreign Income
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lectures at the Taxand Junior School in Marbella on Introduction to Tax Treaties, Passive Income, Beneficial Ownership, and ECJ Developments
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Milan / OECD Conference on Issues of Qualification under Article 23 OECD MC
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Vienna on German Tax Law
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the Institut Finanzen und Steuern Berlin on The Tax Agreements with Switzerland from a Constitutional and EU-law Perspective
Alexander Rust (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Podiumsdiskussion der AK Wien "Die Rückkehr von Keynes" WU Wien
Badinger, H. (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
The International Achievement Award, Lincon Institute, Cambridge
Owens, J. (Participant)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Co-Organizer of the Section on Bayesian Modelling
Frühwirth-Schnatter, S. (Other)
2012Activity: Other scientific work
Lectures at the University of Leiden (Netherlands) on Double Taxation Relief and Non-discrimination during the Summer Course in International Taxation
Alexander Rust (Other)
2011Activity: Other scientific work
Lecture at the University of Luxembourg on Taxation of Investment Funds
Alexander Rust (Other)
2011Activity: Other scientific work
Seminarreferentin für BHS-LehrerInnen in Französisch als Wirtschaftssprache
Sauvêtre, E. (Other)
2011 → …Activity: Other scientific work
Akademische Leitung des Professional MBA Finance
Frühwirth, M. (Other)
2011 → 2019Activity: Other scientific work