- 17 results
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Assoz.Prof PD Harald Amberger, Ph.D.
Person: true employment relationship
Univ.Prof. Dr. Eva Eberhartinger, LL.M.(Exeter)
- Business Taxation Group - Head
- Institute for Accounting and Auditing - Head
- Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics
- Research Institute for International Taxation - Head
Person: true employment relationship
Univ.Prof. Dr.Dr. Georg Kofler, LL.M.
- Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law
- European Tax Law Group - Head
- Research Institute for International Taxation
Person: true employment relationship
Univ.Prof. Dr. DDr.h.c. Michael Lang
- Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law - Head
- Research Institute for International Taxation - Head
Person: true employment relationship
Prof. Dr. Dominika Langenmayr
Person: true employment relationship
Univ.Prof. Dr. Zoltán Novotny-Farkas
Person: true employment relationship
Assoz.Prof. PD Dr. Matthias Petutschnig
Person: true employment relationship
Prof.Dr. Pasquale Pistone
Person: true employment relationship
Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr. Josef Schuch
- Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law
- International Tax Group - Head
- Research Institute for International Taxation - Head
Person: true employment relationship
Univ.Prof. Dr. Karoline Spies
- Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law
- Research Institute for International Taxation
- Value-Added Tax Law Group - Head
Person: true employment relationship
Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane
Person: true employment relationship
Prof.Dr. Alfons Weichenrieder
Person: true employment relationship