Activities per year
- 26 results
Search results
Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management - Erasmus University Rotterdam
Guthmuller, S. (Visiting researcher)
2 Sept 2024 → 1 Mar 2025Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Department of Human Geography, Lund University
Grabner, D. (Visiting researcher)
Aug 2024 → Sept 2024Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
University of Turin
Anja Grüll (Visiting researcher)
17 Nov 2023Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Trinity College Dublin
Pennerstorfer, A. (Visiting researcher)
26 Feb 2023 → 28 Feb 2023Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
DIW Berlin and Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics
Disslbacher, F. (Visiting researcher)
1 Dec 2022 → 20 Dec 2022Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
SINTEF Science and Technology
Sardadvar, K. (other)
2019Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
University of Stirling
Pennerstorfer, A. (other)
2019Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Käte Hamburger Center "Law as Culture", University of Bonn
Frerichs, S. (other)
2018 → 2019Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Darmstadt University
Blühdorn, I. (other)
2016Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
University of Stirling
Pennerstorfer, A. (other)
2016Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Universität Debrecen
Pennerstorfer, A. (other)
2015Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Masaryk University
Peer, S. (other)
2014Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Gastvorlesung an der Cracow University of Eonomics (visiting professor at the Cracow University of Eonomics)
Waginger, E. (other)
2014Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
CIRCLE, Universität Lund
Tödtling, F. (other)
2014Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Universität Debrecen
Pennerstorfer, A. (other)
2014Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Lehrbeauftragter an der Sigmund Freud Universität Berlin
Gerhard Jost (other)
2013 → 2014Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Gastvorlesungen an den Wirtschaftsuniversitäten in Sofia und Varna, Bulgarien ((Visiting Professor at the Economic Universities of Sofia and Varna, Bulgaria)
Waginger, E. (other)
2012Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Gastvorlesung University of Bari I, Facolta di Economia (visiting professor at Bari I, Facolta di Economia)
Waginger, E. (other)
2012Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
Waginger, E. (other)
2012Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Plekhanov University of Economics
Waginger, E. (other)
2012Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Poznan University of Economics and Business
Waginger, E. (other)
2011Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Gastvorlesung an der Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti (Visiting Professor at the Acadmy of Economic Studies, Bucharest)
Waginger, E. (other)
2010Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Gastvorlesungen an den Wirtschaftsuniversitäten in Sofia und Varna, Bulgarien (Lectures at the Economic Universities of Sofia and Varna, Bulgaria)
Waginger, E. (other)
2008Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Universität Vilnius
Waginger, E. (other)
2007Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Poznan University of Economics and Business
Waginger, E. (other)
2004Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits
Babes Bolay Universität, Klausenburg, Rumänien (Babes Bolay University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Waginger, E. (other)
2003 → 2017Activity: Research and teaching visit (outgoing) › Research and teaching visits