Projects per year
- 350 - 400 out of 560 results
Search results
Lutter, F. S. (PI - Project head), Giljum, S. (Researcher) & Lieber, M. (Researcher)
1/10/14 → 30/09/15
Project: Research funding
Rammel, C. (PI - Project head) & Gruszka, K. (Researcher)
30/09/14 → 30/09/15
Project: Research funding
Interregional migration in Russia
Sardadvar, S. (PI - Project head)
1/09/14 → 28/02/15
Project: Research funding
Lutter, F. S. (PI - Project head) & Giljum, S. (Researcher)
1/07/14 → 31/08/15
Project: Research funding
Material- und Rohstoffinputindikatoren ( Raw Material Input Indicators)
Lutter, F. S. (PI - Project head) & Giljum, S. (Researcher)
30/06/14 → 30/09/15
Project: Research funding
Interview Transcriptions and Translations
Gruber, C. (PI - Project head)
11/06/14 → 29/10/14
Project: Research funding
UWD Wassergebühren (Water fees)
Lutter, F. S. (PI - Project head) & Giljum, S. (Researcher)
1/06/14 → 31/01/15
Project: Research funding
IntRESS (Exploring options for global resource use)
Giljum, S. (PI - Project head), Lutter, F. S. (Researcher), Schanes, K. (Researcher) & Wieland, H. (Researcher)
1/04/14 → 30/11/14
Project: Research funding
ACRP6 - Trafo-Labour
Soder, M. (Researcher), Stagl, S. (Researcher) & Theine, H. (Researcher)
1/03/14 → 30/08/16
Project: Research funding
Giljum, S. (PI - Project head), Lieber, M. (Researcher) & Lutter, F. S. (Researcher)
1/02/14 → 1/01/15
Project: Research funding
Possibilities and limits of prevention for the prevention of human rights violations
1/02/14 → 30/04/16
Project: Research funding
TSI: The Contribution of the Third Sector to Europe’s Socio-economic Development
Simsa, R. (Researcher)
20/01/14 → 19/01/17
Project: Research funding
GLOBAL VALUE - Assessing the Impacts of Multinational Corporations on GLOBAL Development and VALUE Creation
Martinuzzi, R.-A. (PI - Project head), Schönherr, N. (PI - Project head), Bendl, R. (Researcher), Eberherr, H. (Researcher), Hametner, M. (Researcher), Hanappi-Egger, E. (Researcher), Schindler, P. (Researcher), Szöcs, I. (Researcher), Tharani, A. (Researcher) & Zauchner, A. (Researcher)
1/01/14 → 30/06/17
Project: Research funding
The Municipal Provision of Public Services in the Light of EU Trade and Investment Agreements of a New Generation (TTIP, CETA, TiSA)
Madner, V. (PI - Project head) & Mayr, S. (Researcher)
1/01/14 → 31/12/18
Project: Research funding
Lutter, F. S. (PI - Project head) & Giljum, S. (Researcher)
1/11/13 → 30/09/14
Project: Research funding
Vienna as a migration goal for human resources: Vienna's role as the core of Austrias economy and the influence of Central and Eastern European migration trends
Sardadvar, S. (PI - Project head), Csereklyei, Z. (Researcher), Hajji, A. (Researcher) & Reiner, C. (Researcher)
1/10/13 → 30/09/15
Project: Research funding
Bruckner, M. (PI - Project head) & de Schutter, E. M. L. (Researcher)
1/10/13 → 14/06/14
Project: Research funding
Carbon-Cap (Carbon emission mitigation by Consumption-based Accounting and Policy)
Giljum, S. (PI - Project head), Lutter, F. S. (Researcher), Schanes, K. (Researcher) & Wieland, H. (Researcher)
1/10/13 → 31/12/16
Project: Research funding
Land Targets
Bruckner, M. (PI - Project head), Giljum, S. (Researcher) & de Schutter, E. M. L. (Researcher)
1/10/13 → 30/06/14
Project: Research funding
UBA Land
Bruckner, M. (PI - Project head), Giljum, S. (Researcher) & Lieber, M. (Researcher)
1/10/13 → 31/03/15
Project: Research funding
DESIRE (Development of a System of Indicators for a Resource efficient Europe)
Giljum, S. (PI - Project head), Bruckner, M. (Researcher), Lieber, M. (Researcher), Lutter, F. S. (Researcher) & Wieland, H. (Researcher)
1/10/13 → 28/02/16
Project: Research funding
ALTECS - Knowledge exchange in the framework of alternative economic systems for the promotion of sustainable regional development
Gruszka, K. (PI - Project head), Havelka, A. (PI - Project head), Rammel, C. (PI - Project head) & Schmelz, D. (PI - Project head)
30/09/13 → 30/09/14
Project: Research funding
Planning and building legislation as instruments in urban climate protection policies. Status quo and perspectives for the City of Vienna in the light of European good practices
Madner, V. (PI - Project head) & Parapatics, K. (Researcher)
1/09/13 → 31/08/14
Project: Research funding
Changes in Household Employment Patterns and Social Impacts of the Economic Crisis
Haas, B. (PI - Project head) & Kobler-Weiß, M. (Researcher)
1/09/13 → 28/02/15
Project: Research funding
Truth, Perception, and Evaluation
Mras, G. (PI - Project head)
1/09/13 → 1/03/14
Project: Research funding
An experimental evaluation of program effects on the financial literacy and financial capabilities of teenagers.
Angel, S. (PI - Project head)
1/06/13 → 6/05/16
Project: Research funding
COBALT - COntributing to Building of Awareness, Learning and Transfer of knowledge on sustainable use of raw materials
Berger, G. (PI - Project head), Martinuzzi, R.-A. (PI - Project head), Endl, A. (Researcher), Lepuschitz, K. (Researcher), Montevecchi, F. (Researcher) & Pisano, U. (Researcher)
1/05/13 → 30/04/15
Project: Research funding
Affective Labor of Employment Agents
Sauer, B. (PI - Project head), Glinsner, B. (Researcher), Hofbauer, J. (Researcher) & Penz, O. (Researcher)
1/04/13 → 30/04/16
Project: Research funding
Financialisation, growth and biophysical boundaries
Rezai, A. (PI - Project head) & Stagl, S. (PI - Project head)
1/04/13 → 31/03/15
Project: Research funding
Research Contract Ecological Macroeconomics
Stagl, S. (PI - Project head)
1/03/13 → 18/02/14
Project: Research funding
E-Learning - Innovation and sustainable Albanian Agriculture
Waginger, E. (PI - Project head), Alber, S. (Researcher) & Paulesich, R. (Researcher)
1/02/13 → 31/01/16
Project: Research funding
The topicality of Günter Dux. An introduction to the basic princliples of the historico-genetic Theory.
15/01/13 → 15/10/18
Project: Other
Sustainability Challenge
Biberhofer, P. (PI - Project head) & Rammel, C. (PI - Project head)
31/12/12 → 31/07/15
Project: Research funding
EUROSTAT Monitoring Report and flagship publications
Hametner, M. (PI - Project head), Berger, G. (Researcher), Dimitrova, A. (Researcher), Dimitrova, A. (Researcher), Endl, A. (Researcher) & Pisano, U. (Researcher)
14/12/12 → 14/12/15
Project: Research funding
G.B.S. Green.Building.Solutions. Summer University
Jakits, R.
1/12/12 → 30/11/14
Project: Research funding
EMAH Austria-Hungary
Stagl, S. (PI - Project head), Havelka, A. (Researcher), Jakits, R. (Researcher), Peer, S. (Researcher) & Soder, M. (Researcher)
1/10/12 → 31/01/15
Project: Research funding
Family business governance in Austrian Family Businesses: Good practice case analyses
Frank, H. (PI - Project head), Lueger, M. (PI - Project head), Fuetsch, E. (Researcher), Kalss, S. (Researcher) & Süss-Reyes, J. (Researcher)
15/09/12 → 15/12/14
Project: Research funding
Development opportunities of sustainable mobility? An analysis of mobility conceptions of young people in Vienna
Bohmann, G., Müllner, S. & Weber, A.
1/09/12 → 30/04/13
Project: Research funding
Changes in Household Employment Patterns and Social Impacts of the Economic Crisis? A cross-national comparison between Austria and Denmark in 2004 and 2010
Haas, B. (Researcher) & Steiber, N. (Researcher)
1/09/12 → 31/08/13
Project: Research funding
DYNAMIX - DYNAmic policy MIXes for absolute decoupling of environmental impact of EU resource use from economic growth
Berger, G. (PI - Project head), Martinuzzi, R.-A. (PI - Project head), Endl, A. (Researcher), Lepuschitz, K. (Researcher), Montevecchi, F. (Researcher), Pisano, U. (Researcher) & Sedlacko, M. (Researcher)
1/09/12 → 1/03/16
Project: Research funding
Framework contract "Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Space Policy"
Hametner, M. (PI - Project head), Montevecchi, F. (Researcher), Pisano, U. (Researcher) & Rusnov, Z. (Researcher)
8/08/12 → 8/08/16
Project: Research funding
Organizer of a Professional Development Workshop on Revisiting Responsible Competitiveness - The Business Case for CSR from a Systemic Perspective
Martinuzzi, R.-A. (PI - Project head) & Kudlak, R. (Researcher)
1/08/12 → 31/08/12
Project: Research funding
The impact of the third sector on socio-economic development in Europe
Simsa, R. (Researcher)
10/07/12 → 31/01/13
Project: Research funding
Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe
Stagl, S. (PI - Project head), Naqvi, S. A. A. (Researcher), Rezai, A. (Researcher), Scholz-Wäckerle, M. (Researcher) & Zwickl, K. (Researcher)
1/04/12 → 31/03/16
Project: Research funding
Scientific Careers and Gender Case studies of France - Germany - Austria
Hofbauer, J. (PI - Project head), Kreissl, K. (Researcher), Sauer, B. (Researcher) & Striedinger, A. (Researcher)
1/03/12 → 30/04/16
Project: Research funding
ImPRovE: Poverty reduction in Europe: Social Policy and Innovation
Novy, A. (PI - Project head), Leubolt, B. (Researcher), Weinzierl, C. (Researcher) & Wukovitsch, F. (Researcher)
1/03/12 → 29/02/16
Project: Research funding