Activities per year
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Visiting Professor at the LL.M. Program in International Taxation, Leiden on “The interaction between tax treaties and CFC regimes” and “Non Discrimination in International Tax Law” (External organisation)
Alexander Rust (Member)
2011Activity: Membership/function › Scientific committee
Visiting Professor at the LL.M. Program in International Taxation, Leiden on “The interaction between tax treaties and CFC regimes” and “Non Discrimination in International Tax Law” (External organisation)
Alexander Rust (Member)
2010Activity: Membership/function › Scientific committee
Visiting Professor at the LL.M. Program in International Taxation, Leiden on “The interaction between tax treaties and CFC regimes” and “Non Discrimination in International Tax Law” (External organisation)
Alexander Rust (Member)
2009Activity: Membership/function › Scientific committee
Visiting Professor at the LL.M. Program in International Taxation, Leiden on “Non Discrimination in International Tax Law” (External organisation)
Alexander Rust (Member)
2007Activity: Membership/function › Scientific committee
Visiting Professor at the tax administration in Accra on “How to Create a Business Friendly Investment Climate in Developing Countries”, one week training program on behalf of the German “Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit” (External organisation)
Alexander Rust (Member)
2006Activity: Membership/function › Scientific committee
Visiting Professor at the University of Almaty, teaching introductory course in International Taxation on behalf of the EU (External organisation)
Alexander Rust (Member)
2004Activity: Membership/function › Scientific committee
Visiting Professor at the LL.M. Program International Taxation, Leiden (External organisation)
Alexander Rust (Member)
2003Activity: Membership/function › Scientific committee