Activities per year
- 50 - 91 out of 91 results
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CSR in Food Retailing: What's Really on Customers' Minds?
Lienbacher, E. (Contributor), Holweg, C. (Contributor), Rychly-Resetar, N. (Contributor) & Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor)
15 Feb 2013 → 17 Feb 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Mittelbau Senat (External organisation)
Holweg, C. (Member)
2013 → 2018Activity: Membership/function › Scientific committee
Vienna University of Economics and Business (Organisational unit)
Holweg, C. (Member)
2013 → 2014Activity: Membership/function › Appointment committee
Holweg, C. (Consultant)
2013 → …Activity: Review activities and consultancy › Conference peer-review
Social Supermarkets in Europe 2012 - Expert Workshop
Holweg, C. (Contributor) & Szabo, D. (Contributor)
18 Dec 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
From the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid - Valuable Insights for Retailing & Marketing
Holweg, C. (Speaker)
29 Nov 2012 → 1 Dec 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Same but different? Instore Logistics in a Social Supermarket
Wieland, W. (Contributor), Lienbacher, E. (Contributor) & Holweg, C. (Contributor)
9 Jul 2012 → 12 Jul 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
When Grocery Products Become A High-Involvement Category - The Case Of Impoverished Consumers
Holweg, C. (Speaker)
22 May 2012 → 25 May 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Profit by working together to prevent supply chain waste
Holweg, C. (Contributor) & Steiner, G. (Contributor)
9 May 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Avoidable Food Waste in Retail Stores
Holweg, C. (Contributor) & Teller, C. (Contributor)
3 May 2012 → 4 May 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Shopper Marketing
Holweg, C. (Speaker)
12 Mar 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Regal Fachform Molkereiprodukte; Salzburg
Holweg, C. (Speaker)
1 Mar 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Vienna University of Economics and Business (Organisational unit)
Holweg, C. (Member)
2012 → …Activity: Membership/function › University self-administration, Cooperation manager
Vienna University of Economics and Business (Organisational unit)
Holweg, C. (Member)
2012 → …Activity: Membership/function › University self-administration, Cooperation manager
Risk Assessment in Non-profit and Business Partnerships
Holweg, C. (Contributor), Lienbacher, E. (Contributor) & Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor)
28 Nov 2011 → 30 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Sozialmärkte aus Handelsperspektive.
Facts und Figures der ersten Retail-Gesamtstudie in ÖsterreichHolweg, C. (Contributor) & Lienbacher, E. (Contributor)
6 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
REGAL-Mopro Fach Forum. Trends, Preise, Marken. Fachmoderation
Holweg, C. (Speaker)
2 Feb 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Vinzi Sozialmarkt (External organisation)
Holweg, C. (Member)
2011 → …Activity: Membership/function › Private sector
Supply Chain Forum - An International Journal (Journal)
Holweg, C. (Reviewer)
2011 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Vienna University of Economics and Business (Organisational unit)
Holweg, C. (Member)
2011Activity: Membership/function › Habilitation committee
Category Management & Shopper Research
Holweg, C. (Speaker)
1 Dec 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Social Supermarkets: Typology within the Spectrum of Social Enterprises
Holweg, C. (Contributor), Lienbacher, E. (Contributor) & Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor)
29 Nov 2010 → 1 Dec 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Do we need an extension of the traditional typology of retailers?
Holweg, C. (Contributor), Lienbacher, E. (Contributor) & Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor)
25 Nov 2010 → 27 Nov 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Social Supermarkts: A new type of retailer?
Holweg, C. (Contributor), Lienbacher, E. (Contributor) & Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor)
9 Sept 2010 → 12 Sept 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Social Supermarkets - an innovative example of Reverse Logistics
Holweg, C. (Contributor), Lienbacher, E. (Contributor), Weber, D. (Contributor) & Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor)
2 Jul 2010 → 5 Jul 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Lehrbeauftrage für den zertifizierten ECR-Manager
Holweg, C. (Speaker)
13 Mar 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Das Phänomen Sozialmarkt
Holweg, C. (Speaker)
11 Nov 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Shopper Behaviour
Holweg, C. (Speaker)
24 Sept 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Sozialmarkt - Gefahr für die Marke?
Lienbacher, E. (Contributor), Holweg, C. (Contributor), Weber, D. (Contributor) & Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor)
24 Sept 2009 → 25 Sept 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
The drivers of consumer value in the ECR Category Management model
Holweg, C. (Contributor), Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor) & Teller, C. (Contributor)
27 May 2009 → 29 May 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
ZFP / JRM (Journal)
Holweg, C. (Reviewer)
2009 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
European Retail Research (Journal)
Holweg, C. (Reviewer)
2009 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research (Journal)
Holweg, C. (Reviewer)
2009 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
The drivers of consumer value in the ECR Category Management model - Critical discussion and empirical evaluation
Holweg, C. (Contributor), Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor) & Teller, C. (Contributor)
14 Jul 2008 → 17 Jul 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
ECR-Academic Partnership (Austria) (External organisation)
Holweg, C. (Liaison officer)
2008 → …Activity: Membership/function › University self-administration, Cooperation manager
Category Management - Präsentation der empirischen Befunde
Holweg, C. (Contributor) & Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor)
2 Oct 2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Öffnungzeiten im Cash & Carry Großhandel in Österreich - Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung
Schnedlitz, P. (Contributor) & Holweg, C. (Contributor)
17 Aug 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to professionals/public
Costs and Benefits of Reusable Packaging Systems in Retail Stores
Holweg, C. (Speaker) & Teller, C. (Speaker)
9 Sept 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Science to science
Institut für Handel und Marketing
Holweg, C. (Mentor)
2001Activity: Review activities and consultancy › Mentoring