Activities per year
- 18 results
Search results
American Journal of Sociology (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2021Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Strategic Management Journal (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2020 → 2021Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2020 → 2021Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Higher Education Policy (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2019Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Administrative Science Quarterly (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2018 → 2020Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Organization Science (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2018 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Academy of Management Journal (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2015 → 2019Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Management International Review (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2015 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2014Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2014 → 2015Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Industry and Innovation (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2012Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
British Journal of Management (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2012 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Industrial and Corporate Change (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2010 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Journal of Management and Governance (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2010 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
International Journal of Management Reviews (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2010 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Human Relations (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2006 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Journal of Management Studies (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2005 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review
Organization Studies (Journal)
Delmestri, G. (Reviewer)
2000 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer-review › Journal article peer-review