Projects per year
- 22 Finished
Search results
Agrobiodiversity and Stakeholder Management in the Seed Industry
Schubert, U. (PI - Project head), Endl, A. (Researcher), Hametner, M. (Researcher), Kleinsasser, S. (Researcher), Schäfer, A. (Researcher) & Wächter, P. (Researcher)
1/10/07 → 31/12/11
Project: Research funding
Monetary Energy Footprint Analysis (MEFA)
Schubert, U. (PI - Project head), Sonntag, A. (Researcher) & Wächter, P. (Researcher)
1/10/06 → 30/09/08
Project: Research funding
European Confernce Series on the Evaluation of Sustainability
Kopp, U. (PI - Project head), Schubert, U. (PI - Project head), Hametner, M. (Researcher), Martinuzzi, R.-A. (Researcher) & Schwaiger, S. (Researcher)
15/03/02 → 30/06/03
Project: Other
Sustainable regional development - The role of regional institutions as catalysts for implementing environment-oriented inniovations strategies (NAREINNO)
Schubert, U., Gaube, V. & Sedlacek, S.
1/03/02 → 31/05/03
Project: Research funding
ECOCITY. Urban development towards appropriate structures for sustainable transport
Schubert, U. & Wukovitsch, F.
1/02/02 → 1/02/05
Project: Research funding
EKKA - Evaluation of municipal climate protection activities
Langer, M., Schubert, U., Hubauer, I. & Schäfer, A.
1/01/02 → 30/09/02
Project: Research funding
Screening of the general conditions for the evelopment of a climate inventory of the KliP
Schubert, U., Kisliakova, A., Langer, M. & Percl, O.
1/08/01 → 31/12/01
Project: Research funding
Evaluation of urban sustainable development - regional policy-field integration in Vienna
Schubert, U., Schuh, B. & Sedlacek, S.
1/03/01 → 31/03/02
Project: Research funding
Analysis of the existing and possible future framework for the implementation of the Kyoto protocol
Schubert, U. (PI - Project head) & Percl, O. (Researcher)
10/05/00 → 30/04/01
Project: Research funding
ESEE 2000 - European Society for Ecological Economics Conference
Schubert, U. (Researcher)
1/05/00 → 30/05/00
Project: Other
City-hinterland relations in the region of Vienna
Schubert, U. (PI - Project head), Schuh, B. (Researcher) & Sedlacek, S. (Researcher)
1/03/00 → 1/05/02
Project: Research funding
Sustainable urban tourism, involving local agents and partnerships for new forms of governance (SUT GOVERNANCE)
Schubert, U. (PI - Project head), Gindl, M. (Researcher) & Wukovitsch, F. (Researcher)
1/03/00 → 28/02/03
Project: Research funding
Conception of an energy-model for the simulation of municipal measures against climate change (EMOKS)
Schubert, U., Neumayr, B. & Percl, O.
1/02/00 → 31/08/01
Project: Research funding
Tagung "Erfolgreiche Umweltpolitik braucht Partner" inkl. Vorbereitungskonferenz "Szenariotechnik"
Martinuzzi, R.-A. (PI - Project head), Schubert, U. (PI - Project head) & Egger-Steiner, M. (Researcher)
1/09/99 → 31/12/99
Project: Other
Development of an evaluation instrument for agricultural policy measures on a regional level with special consideration of regional sustainability
Schubert, U. (PI - Project head) & Schuh, B. (Researcher)
1/03/99 → 1/03/01
Project: Research funding
Growth and employment in Europe: Sustainability and competitiveness
Clement, W. (PI - Project head), Altzinger, W. (Researcher), Bellak, C. (Researcher), Bergman, E. (Researcher), Fenz, G. (Researcher), Grandner, T. (Researcher), Grisold, A. (Researcher), Gstach, D. (Researcher), Heitzmann, K. (Researcher), Hofbauer, J. (Researcher), Hofer, R. (Researcher), Hölzl, W. (Researcher), Lehner, P. (Researcher), Maier, G. (Researcher), Munduch, G. (Researcher), Müller, W. (Researcher), Neumayr, B. (Researcher), Nowotny, E. (Researcher), Pichler, J. H. (Researcher), Pirker, R. (Researcher), Ragacs, C. (Researcher), Rumler, F. (Researcher), Schubert, U. (Researcher), Senft, G. (Researcher), Sitz, A. (Researcher), Stagl, S. (Researcher), Stiassny, A. (Researcher), Tondl, G. (Researcher) & Walther, H. (Researcher)
1/02/99 → 1/01/10
Project: Other
Evaluation of the EcoBusinessPlan Vienna
Martinuzzi, R.-A. (PI - Project head), Schubert, U. (PI - Project head), Galla, J. (Researcher), Hametner, M. (Researcher), Huchler, E. (Researcher), Kopp, U. (Researcher), Schwaiger, S. (Researcher) & Schäfer, A. (Researcher)
6/01/99 → 31/05/06
Project: Research funding
Environmental studies at Viennese universities
Schubert, U. (PI - Project head), Köck, J. (Researcher) & Neumayr, B. (Researcher)
1/12/98 → 30/11/99
Project: Research funding
Towards an integration of environmental and ecology-oriented technology policy. Stimulus and response in environmental related innovation networks (ENVINNO)
Schubert, U. (PI - Project head), Köck, J. (Researcher), Mellitzer, J. (Researcher) & Sedlacek, S. (Researcher)
1/11/98 → 30/04/01
Project: Research funding
The role of technology and environmental policy in the environment related innovation process of companies
Schubert, U., Mellitzer, J. & Sedlacek, S.
1/01/98 → 28/02/99
Project: Research funding
SU2 - Urban agglomerations
Schubert, U. (PI - Project head) & Sedlacek, S. (Researcher)
1/03/96 → 28/02/99
Project: Research funding
R&D, innovation and urban development
Schubert, U. & Sedlacek, S.
31/01/94 → 28/02/95
Project: Research funding