FLARE - Quality of Social Care for the Elderly

Project Details

Financing body

Federal Ministry for Science and Research


Quality of social care for people in later life is a topic of perennial interest. However, the understanding of “quality” in social care differs between providers, users and funding public authorities. Due to the multidimensionality of quality, quality concepts from a number of different academic fields (e.g. gerontology, health care, social work, and economics) will be discussed. "VIC2008-Quality" is run as a subproject of "FLARE - Quality of Social Care for the Elderly".

Approaches to measuring outcome quality of care will be developed. In cooperation with the research project "QI-Development of Quality Indicators for Home Care" a pilot study will be conducted.

Part of the FLARE-project is a mobility period in order to take advantage of the specific competencies of two different research settings:
Personal Social Service Research Unit (PSSRU) at the University of Kent in Canterbury (April 2009-September 2010) and
the German Centre for Gerontology (DZA) in Berlin (April 2010 - June 2010).

FLARE (Future Leader of Ageing Research in Europe) is a European Post-Doc Programme on ageing research initiated by the ERA-AGE consortium and funded by the Member States (for Austria: Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research).
Effective start/end date1/04/0831/03/11