Plurilingual competence from recruiters’ perspectives in France and Austria

Project Details


Language skills are an economic asset in accessing the labour market. Investing in these skills can be rewarding for companies as well as for individuals. While different language levels and competence targets are well researched and focused on in language teaching, it is not clear how linguistic competence is evaluated in and for the labour market. It is equally unexplored which conceptions of these skills recruiters bring with them into application processes. The aim of this project is to explore recruiters' representations and attitudes towards linguistic competence and individual multilingualism (plurilingualism). By means of an analysis of job advertisements and forms of questioning, language attitudes of recruiters in France and Austria will be investigated. On the one hand, this project attempts to provide a better insight into the linguistic aspects of decision-making processes like recruiting. On the other hand, it allows conclusions to be drawn for foreign language teaching so that it can be geared more towards professional requirements and needs on the labour market.
Effective start/end date1/03/211/03/25