Fashioning the Self

  • Klingseis, Katharina (PI - Project head)

    Project Details

    Financing body

    Austrian Science Fund


    The project consists in an empirical study of dressing practices as technologies of (self-) government in the sense of Foucault’s theory of governmentality. Dressing practices will be explored by example of two Russian towns – Moscow and Ekaterinburg – by means of open interviews and photographic portraits of the interviewees. They will be interpreted in the context of Soviet and post-Soviet body, beauty and dress discourses. The study is positioned in a Cultural Studies tradition and is intended to cast light on the social function of dress in everyday practice of current Russian society.
    Effective start/end date14/07/0614/01/09

    Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (OEFOS)

    • 605004 Cultural studies
    • 504007 Empirical social research
    • 602047 Slavonic studies
    • 605