Spatial innovation systems and Internet - Implications of the Internet for the spatial organisation of innovation networks

  • Tödtling, Franz (PI - Project head)
  • Kaufmann, Alexander (Researcher)
  • Lehner, Patrick (Researcher)

    Project Details

    Financing body

    Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Jubiläumsfonds)


    Innovation is nowadays regarded as a core factor for the competitiveness of companies. It is increasingly an interactive process between companies and other organisations, leading to the formation of innovation systems. Internet as a new technology for information and communication most probably has a strong impact also on these relations.
    It is the aim of the research project to identify to which extent and in which ways Austrian firms make use of the Internet and how this changes their innovation cooperations. From this, conclusions will be drawn for a more effective regional and technology policy, supporting firms in their innovation process.
    Effective start/end date1/07/001/06/02

    Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (OEFOS)

    • 507026 Economic geography
    • 507016 Regional economy
    • 502014 Innovation research
    • 507