Small business training and competitiveness

  • Sandner, Karl (PI - Project head)
  • Hefner, Alexandra (Researcher)
  • Seiwald, Johann (Researcher)

Project Details

Financing body

Commission of the European Communities


The object of the project is to identify learning processes that lead to increased competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises, and to describe how these learning processes are shaped in different European cultural contexts. These differences then, instead of seeing them as obstacles, are analysed to develop opportunities for discovering different and perhaps complementary learning approaches.

Questionnaires, case studies, qualitative content analysis (objective hermeneutics).

Effective start/end date1/12/9831/01/01

Collaborative partners

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (OEFOS)

  • 504002 Sociology of work
  • 502052 Business administration