Comparative Green HRM

  • Müller-Camen, Michael (PI - Project head)
  • Borsoi, Andrea (Researcher)
  • Breitenfeld, Valerie (Researcher)
  • Först, Nora (Researcher)
  • Obereder, Lisa (Researcher)
  • Thiele, Raik (Researcher)

Project Details

Financing body

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Austrian Science Fund


Currently, the institute is involved in an international quantitative/qualitative study (in cooperation, among others, with the University of Augsburg and researchers from Nottingham University/UK and Rutgers University/USA), funded by the FWF and the German DFG - comparing cases in Austria, Germany, UK and USA - trying to find out what employees think about "green behavior in the workplace" such as avoiding printing documents. In addition we will examine the role of the manager and the team as possible factors influencing ecologically responsible behavior.
Effective start/end date6/11/1731/03/22