From e-government to e-democracy: Development of a prototype for an e-voting-enable voter registration

  • Prosser, Alexander (PI - Project head)
  • Kofler, Robert (Researcher)
  • Krimmer, Robert (Researcher)
  • Unger, Martin Karl (Researcher)

Project Details

Financing body

Jubilee Fund of the City of Vienna for the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration


Aim of the whole Projekt is the development of a system to conduct elections of the Internet in a way that all legal requirements are fulfilled. The system will be flexible an can be implemented in many ways like i.e. for local elections of the City of Vienna in combination with the National ID card. This project is financed by the City of Vienna Jubiläumsfonds for the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.
Effective start/end date1/04/0231/03/03

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (OEFOS)

  • 102015 Information systems
  • 508