A More Decentralized Vision for Linked Data

Axel Polleres, Maulik R. Kamdar, Javier David Fernandez Garcia, Tania Tudorache, Mark A. Musen

Publication: Working/Discussion PaperWU Working Paper

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In this deliberately provocative position paper, we claim that ten years into Linked Data there are still (too?) many unresolved challenges towards arriving at a truly machine-readable and decentralized Web of data. We take a deeper look at the biomedical domain - currently, one of the most promising "adopters" of Linked Data - if we believe the ever-present "LOD cloud" diagram. Herein, we try to highlight and exemplify key technical and non-technical challenges to the success of LOD, and we outline potential solution strategies. We hope that this paper will serve as a discussion basis for a fresh start towards more actionable, truly decentralized Linked Data, and as a call to the community to join forces.

Publication series

SeriesWorking Papers on Information Systems, Information Business and Operations

WU Working Paper Series

  • Working Papers on Information Systems, Information Business and Operations

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