Challenge or Potential? Risk Identification in the Context of Sustainable Development: A Case Study

Publication: Chapter in book/Conference proceedingChapter in edited volume


The chapter describes the importance of balancing risk reduction and “taken risks” and what role a holistic risk identification plays in the context of Sustainable Development (SD). It provides a theoretical background on SD, Risk Management and the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA). It discusses the implementation of SD in the EIA as one example for a holistic risk identification. The link between SD and risk management is discussed and the identified learning potentials for further developing traditional risk identification methods are explained. A risk identification explicitly considering SD as well as considering project and stakeholder risks is presented within a case study. The case study project is Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of a wind park farm in Brazil from the supplier perspective. Based on SD both, the risks of the project as well as the risks of the project stakeholders are considered. Whereby the chapter shares the risk identification as such as well as the process for which a systemic board constellation was applied.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationManaging Project Risks for Competitive Advantage in Changing Business Environments
Editors Bodea, C., Purnus, A., Huemann, M., Hajdu, M.
Place of PublicationHershey PA, USA
PublisherIGI Global
Pages87 - 105
ISBN (Print)9781522503354
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (ÖFOS)

  • 502030 Project management

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