Combining Machine Learning and Semantic Web: A Systematic Mapping Study

Anna Breit, Laura Waltersdorfer, Fajar J. Ekaputra, Marta Sabou, Andreas Ekelhart, Andreea Iana, Heiko Paulheim, Jan Portisch, Artem Revenko, Annette ten Teije, Frank Van Harmelen

Publication: Scientific journalJournal articlepeer-review


In line with the general trend in artificial intelligence research to create intelligent systems that combine learning and symbolic components, a new sub-area has emerged that focuses on combining machine learning (ML) components with techniques developed by the Semantic Web (SW) community – Semantic Web Machine Learning (SWeML for short). Due to its rapid growth and impact on several communities in the last two decades, there is a need to better understand the space of these SWeML Systems, their characteristics, and trends. Yet, surveys that adopt principled and unbiased approaches are missing. To fill this gap, we performed a systematic study and analyzed nearly 500 papers published in the last decade in this area, where we focused on evaluating architectural, and application-specific features. Our analysis identified a rapidly growing interest in SWeML Systems, with a high impact on several application domains and tasks. Catalysts for this rapid growth are the increased application of deep learning and knowledge graph technologies. By leveraging the in-depth understanding of this area acquired through this study, a further key contribution of this paper is a classification system for SWeML Systems which we publish as ontology.
Original languageEnglish
JournalACM Computing Surveys
Early online dateMar 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Mar 2023

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