Global Value Chain Policy Series: Taxation

Jeffrey Owens, Romero J.S. Tavares

Publication: Scientific journalJournal article


This paper highlights the disconnect between the modern global economy and an outdated international tax framework and provides some suggestions for how tax policy could better promote sustainable and inclusive global value chains (GVCs). The authors explain that, in theory, MNEs have a greater ability to avoid taxation on their residual profits in the context of GVCs, or even to deflate source-country profits while inflating GVC-produced residual profits. However, there is a risk that uncoordinated and unilateral over-implementation of anti-Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) measures could be detrimental to the operation of GVCs. Consistency and cooperation are required.

This paper is part of the Global Value Chain Policy Series.
Original languageEnglish
JournalWorld Economic Forum
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (ÖFOS)

  • 505004 Financial law
  • 502038 Taxation


  • BEPS
  • GVCs
  • global economy
  • global value chains
  • international tax framework
  • tax policy

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