Half a Century of Marketing Ethics: Shifting Perspectives and Emerging Trends

Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, Magdalena Öberseder

Publication: Scientific journalJournal articlepeer-review


Faced with an ever-growing number of ethical marketing issues and uncertainty about the impact of specialized ethics journals, researchers are struggling to keep abreast of developments in the field. To address these challenges, our paper provides a comprehensive review of the literature on marketing ethics over almost fifty years, offers a citation analysis, and develops a unique marketing ethics impact factor. We contribute to the field in three important ways: First, we present a state-of-the-art picture of marketing ethics research. This provides an account of the research focus in each decade, assesses the importance of specific topics in the debate, and identifies existing research gaps. Second, we identify the most influential papers and researchers in the marketing ethics area. Third, we evaluate the most important journals in terms of their impact on marketing ethics. To this end, we have developed a marketing ethics impact factor (MEIF). This improves our ability to judge a journal's influence on this particular sub-discipline.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1 - 19
JournalJournal of Business Ethics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2010

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