Introducing the JDOR Rexx Command Handler for Easy Creation of Bitmaps and Bitmap Manipulations on Windows, Mac and Linux

Publication: Contribution to conferenceConference paper


ooRexx 5.0 introduces a possibility to define Rexx command handlers at runtime and use them. The new BSF4ooRexx850 exploits the respective new native APIs such that it has become possible to implement Rexx command handlers in Java or NetRexx, but exploit them from plain, "classic Rexx" programs. The "JDOR" Rexx command handler is implemented in Java and allows any Rexx programmer to create and manipulate bitmaps, from drawing lines to ovals, to strings on any arbitrarily sized bitmap which then can be even saved in an external file for later usage. However, it is also possible to create animations by drawing in intervals, saving state and rolling back to previous images.
This presentation introduces the JDOR Rexx command handler, the commands available and demonstrates how to apply these commands to create cool bitmaps. As the Rexx command handler is written in Java and ooRexx and BSF4ooRexx850 are available on all popular operating systems like Windows, Mac or Linux, this infrastructure can be employed by any Rexx programmer on these platforms.
Please note that the current state can be regarded to be alpha, i.e. the system works, but has not been thoroughly tested yet. It is planned to release a beta version for testing and feedback a few weeks after the International Rexx Symposium 2022.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages29
Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2022
Event33rd International Rexx Symposium - Digital
Duration: 12 Sept 202214 Sept 2022


Conference33rd International Rexx Symposium
Abbreviated titleInternational Rexx Symposium
Internet address

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (ÖFOS)

  • 502050 Business informatics
  • 102022 Software development
  • 102014 Information design
  • 102015 Information systems


  • JDOR
  • ooRexx
  • BSF4ooRexx850
  • Java
  • Rexx command handler

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