Pflegekarenz und Pflegeteilzeit in Österreich: Eine Neuausrichtung im Langzeitpflegeregime? Folgen, Potenziale und Grenzen einer Maßnahme zur 'Vereinbarkeit' von Erwerbsarbeit und Care

Ingrid Mairhuber, Karin Sardadvar

Publication: Scientific journalJournal articlepeer-review


In 2014, Austria implemented a paid care leave with full-time or part-time option. It is the first measure that explicitly aims at enhancing a parallel combination of employment and informal family care. As it was introduced only recently, there are so far hardly any findings on how this measure is being used and what using it implies for employed family carers. In this article, we present an initial empirical investigation of the paidcare leave. We do so by integrating two perspectives of analysis: For one thing, a policy-oriented analysis on the design of the measure and the contradictive ways in which it is embedded in the Austrian long-term care regime. For another, findings of qualitative empirical case studies with informal family carers.
Original languageGerman (Austria)
Pages (from-to)47 - 61
Journalfemina politica. Zeitschrift für feministische Politk-Wissenschaft
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (ÖFOS)

  • 506014 Comparative politics
  • 504014 Gender studies

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