Re-thinking project initiation and project management by considering principles of sustainable development.

Roland Gareis

Publication: Chapter in book/Conference proceedingChapter in edited volume


der to improve the performance of these processes in their descriptions as well as in the design of the methods to be applied the principles of sustainable development can be considered. Templates for some project initiation and project management methods considering SD principles are provid-ed. <br/> <br/>This chapter is based on the results of the Research Project: SustPM, which was completed in May 2012. The overall research results are published by PMI in the book 'Project Management & Sustainable Development Principles' by Roland Gareis, Martina Huemann and André Martinuzzi with the assistance of Claudia Weninger and Michal Sedlacko (all WU Vienna).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSustainability Integration for Effective Project Management
Editors Silvius, G., Tharp, J.
PublisherIGI Global
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2013

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