Research on temporal diversity in GVTs: limitations and a new research agenda

Vas Taras, Günter Stahl, Marijaana Gunkel, Justin Kraemer

Publication: Scientific journalJournal articlepeer-review


In addition to cultural and demographic diversity, temporal diversity is increasingly recognized as a crucial factor afecting
the dynamics and performance of global virtual teams (GVTs). However, research on temporal diversity tends to analyze
the efects of only one source of timing diferences at a time: either only time-zone diferences or only chronotype diferences among the team members. Such a single-focus approach is limiting, and could lead to biased conclusions. We provide
a conceptual model that shows how analyzing only one source of temporal diversity at a time can produce an incomplete
and even misleading picture. Based on the analysis of diferent temporal activation patternings, namely the arrangements
of timing when team members can fully engage in project-related tasks, we demonstrate how the interplay between time
zones and chronotypes can exacerbate or mitigate temporal diversity, resulting in temporal patterns that could be more or
less advantageous for a GVT, depending on the team chara
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)816-824
JournalJournal of International Business Studies
Publication statusPublished - 21 May 2024


  • Global virtual teams · Temporal diversity · Cross-cultural research/measurement issues

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