Rethinking Work and Distance in Alternative Agro-Food Economies: Urban Farming in the North American Metropolis.

Diana Mincyte, Karin Dobernig

Publication: Scientific journalJournal articlepeer-review


This article examines the role of manual work in bridging the distance between production and consumption in alternative food networks, particularly in urban farming. Scholars and public commentators often draw on Marxian theories of alienation to suggest that manual work constitutes a key strategy for reconnecting production and consumption, and overcoming the ecological rift between natural processes and modern, agro-industrial production. Focusing on urban farming, this article complicates the picture of unalienated, decommodified labor and points to continuous negotiations between experiences of re-embedding in the community and the environment, and the on-going commodification of the farming experience. We argue that urban farms function as sites of ‘‘experiential production’’ where farm managers stage work experiences for the volunteers and where visitors build new socialities, reconnect to nature, and accrue social and cultural capital in the context of a global economy that offers limited work opportunities for a generation of highly educated college graduates. Relying on ethnographic fieldwork and 40 semi-structured interviews with employed urban farmers and regular volunteers in metropolitan areas of the Northeastern United States as well as the examination of online and print materials, our analysis highlights the contradictory ways in which manual work in alternative food networks indeed counters alienation, while also reproducing consumer society institutions and reinforcing the core values defining neoliberalism such as productivity and selfimprovement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1767 - 1786
JournalEnvironment and Planning A
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (ÖFOS)

  • 405004 Sustainable agriculture

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