Routinierte Vergeschlechtlichung: Zur (Re-)Produktion von Geschlechtstypisierungen und impliziten Rollenerwartungen im Management

Publication: Scientific journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


This paper deals with the relationship between routines and reflection in particular with respect to gender equality. Thus, we focus on the role of routines in producing and reproducing gender stereotypes in management as well as on how to improve managerial as well as organizational ability to act gender-reflectively. Routines are thereby conceptionalized as a form of non-reflexive knowledge and are discussed as an explanatory framework for non-intended reproduction of gender stereotypes. The discussion of the role of these gender stereotypes as inherent part of interpretation and expectation guidelines in management routines is analyzed based on own empirical work. We show in this paper how apparently gender-neutral decisions and organizational patterns of interpretation produce an unintended gender bias. The paper concludes with a discussion on dealing effectively with routines aiming to overcome their impact on gender stereotyping.
Original languageGerman (Austria)
Pages (from-to)115 - 138
Issue number25
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (ÖFOS)

  • 506009 Organisation theory
  • 504001 General sociology
  • 504005 Educational sociology
  • 504
  • 509005 Gerontology

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